Snacks, Muffins & Cakes

Healthy, tasty and enjoyed anytime of your day

Caramelised Custard Apple Bruschetta

Sweet Avocado and Custard Apple Sourdough

10 mins
10 mins
Easy peasy

Simple snack idea! When Dani Stevens - 365 Lifestyle Motivator visited a custard apple farm she combined avocado and custard apple and it was a hit! Just mash together in a bowl for a sweet, creamy, healthy snack option, or spread over sourdough for a morning treat!

icon ingredients


  • 2 slices plain sourdough
  • 1 custard apple
  • 1 avocado

icon method


  • Combine custard apple and avocado in a bowl and smash together for a creamy topping. or
  • Top with lemon zest


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Credits: Recipe inspired by Dani Stephens - 365 Lifestyle Motivator