Custard Apples Australia

The industry association created by growers, for growers

Photo: Custard Apples growing on a tree

Custard Apples Australia

The Australian Custard Apples Association (ACAGA) was formed in 1991 to nationally represent and promote the Australian custard apple industry.  With a name change occurring in 2012, the association is now known as Custard Apples Australia.

Aims of the Association

  • To foster communication between all industry sectors.
  • To ensure the efficient, effective, equitable and accountable use of industry resources for research, development, marketing and promotion.
  • To pursue comprehensive domestic and export marketing by way of the industry's marketing group - the Jadefruit Custard Apple Marketing group

The association consists of new and established growers, encouraging each other to grow fruit to a consistent quality to attain the best market price for grower efforts. This includes the sharing and dissemination of information, practical use of research undertaken on growers' behalf, communication between growers and all others involved in the industry by means of workshops, field days, and updates on market activities. 

This association is a truly democratic body run by a Management Committee and is designed to represent custard apple grower interests.  Comprising of nine (9) grower members elected by their regional groups, the Management Committee works tirelessly throughout the year on projects and matters arising from their 6 monthly management meetings.  You may contact your area representative to raise issues for discussion, to seek information and become informed of the benefits of membership. 

Management Committee


Northern NSW John Graham  0416 219 105
  Brian Keating  0419 651 758
  Cindy Hogan  0466 546 012


Wide Bay             Mike Blasco  0400 115 405   
  Thomas du Toit 0400 052 234


South East Qld  Daniel Jackson  0427 653 007 
  Dan De Clara 0491 104 169
  Bob Martin  0428 936 515


North Qld         Wayne Stewart 0407 964 970